Getting Started

Doing Business with the University of Florida

Each year, the University of Florida spends millions of dollars purchasing goods and services to support the various functions here at the university. It is extremely important to us that we get the best possible value when obtaining these goods and services. We believe this can be achieved when there is free, open and inclusive competition. As a result, we are continually looking for and reaching out to identify quality suppliers that are available to provide goods and services and engage them in our procurement process.

Becoming a Supplier

First, to become a supplier, you must establish a working relationship with a University of Florida department. This means to identify a department that has agreed to purchase your firm’s products/services.

Then you may complete the New Supplier Application. Be sure to include any appropriate certifications (i.e. small, minority, women, etc.). If you have any questions about your supplier application, please submit the Finance Hub Contact Form.

Small business suppliers who have not previously done business with the University of Florida or have questions about engaging the institution are advised to contact us at, to schedule an appointment.

Selection of reputable and reliable suppliers is the responsibility of Procurement. The University of Florida endeavors to conduct its business in a fair and most equitable manner. Purchases may be made on the basis of various factors, including but not limited to quality, service, delivery, and price.

Supplier Visits

All supplier visits to departments and academic units are by appointment only. Appointments are made during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm). Be prepared to discuss your company’s qualifications, capabilities, references, products and/or services.