What to Expect

As a participant in this program, you will receive direct guidance from program administrators and hands on training with appropriate-sized projects over a 24-month period (two – one year terms). Our goal is accept 6-10 firms (including general contractors and specialty trades), but the biggest determinant is ensuring the availability of work for participating firms. Firms will have the opportunity to participate on construction or construction-related projects that are $15k and below.

The program will begin with a curriculum overview of various topics. All session are interactive and attendance is mandatory at all sessions.

Session 1

(2 hours – Discussion & Questions)

  1. Title: “Work Performance”
    • Description: Learn the steps to performing acceptable work
  2. Title: “Scoping with Project Managers”
    • Description: Learn the process of scoping with UF project managers
  3. Title: “Estimating Procedures”
    • Description: Know important things to consider when pricing your projects.

Session 2

(2 hours – Discussion & Questions)

  1. Title: “Rules of Engagement”
    • Description: working on Campus i.e. Parking, access to work areas, outage requests, clean-up requirements, etc.
  2. Title: “Submitting Invoices”
    • Description: Process to submitting invoices (UF templates)
  3. Title: “Project Closeout”
    • Description: Requirements to close projects

Following this, program administrators will assign certain projects to program participants, upon which administrators will explain project evaluation criteria for firm’s successful completion of assignments.